Our Dedicated Staff

Devon Manor Swim Club employs mature, responsible, and highly trained young adults. We are proud of the fact that all of our employees have grown up as members of the pool.

Our lifeguards are certified by the American Red Cross and trained in CPR, first-aid, and the use of AEDs (automatic external defibrillators). We thank our staff for keeping the pool a clean and safe place for family fun.

Job descriptions for Lifeguard and Front Desk/Snack Bar.

2023 Pool Staff

Front Row: Lifeguards Rachel and Michael.

Back Row: Manager Gina, Lifeguards Tiffany, Aynslee, Lukas, Garrett, Front Desk Assistant Trevor, Lifeguards Nate, Tessa, Chloe, and Assistant Managers/Lifeguards Hannah and Marlee.

Missing from photo: Lifeguard Elizabeth, and Snack Bar Attendants Holden and Quinn.